と思い、 「人類は、互いの多様な魂を輝かせることを求められているのです。」をdeepL で英訳して、 humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine をAIお絵かきMidJourney の Ver.4 指定で投げ込んでみたらすごかったです。
humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humanity is called upon to embody each other's souls in diversity --v 4humanity is called upon to embody each other's souls in diversity --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine ,cosmic, --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine ,cosmic, --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine ,cosmic, --v 4
ちなみに Ver.3 だと。これも美しい(^ ^)
humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine ,cosmic, --ar 16:9
さらに dancing singing を追加!
humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine,dancing singing ,cosmic, --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine,dancing singing ,cosmic, --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine,dancing singing ,cosmic, --v 4humankind is called upon to let each other's diverse souls shine,dancing singing ,cosmic, --v 4