Trip to Switzerland
I traveled to Switzerland
From 4/8 to 4/16 with destination Dornach, Switzerland
Hokkaido - Haneda - Beijing (Transfer) - Milan - Stuttgart (Germany) - Switzerland (Lucerne - Basel - Dornach)
(Traveling to save money when the yen was weak)

to Goetheanum in Dornach, the world center of anthroposophy, including the Steiner School.
The idea was to pick up my daughter from a school trip,
We enjoyed our first trip to Europe in about 8 years on the occasion of the trip.
Here are some of the things that left an impression on me
1) Missing a connecting flight in Beijing
(2) Earth, water, fire, wind, and air.
(3) Carried along by the blessings of people and the blessings of heaven and earth
=I am now in the middle of the world.
1) Missing a connecting flight in Beijing

4/8 I left Japan safely, transferred at Beijing, and waited at the gate for Milan.
I was waiting at the gate for the flight to Milan.
To Frankfurt?
I missed it! I missed my connecting flight (I inadvertently missed the gate change).
Furthermore, the internet is almost impossible in Beijing (Chinese internet restrictions).
OUT of the world…feeling of being alone in the world.

In the meantime, I discovered that SMS was available,
After some effort, I was able to rebook my flight, and successfully made my connection, albeit with a 24-hour delay (^ ^).
I feel like
Miura Baien, "Be more surprised at the blooming of fresh trees than at the blooming of dead trees."
I am thankful for the world that is moving and turning safely day by day.
On the other hand, this level of stress is not dangerous to my life, and the Center is safe and sound.
The center is safe and sound.
After doing all we can do, we go to bed, and when we wake up, another wind is blowing.
It was a case of "sleep on it and wait for good news."
Earth, water, fire, wind, and sky.
2)Gaia life was a journey of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void.

Goetheanum. A huge stone
The Goetheanum in Dornach is a huge stone-like building, about 30 meters in diameter, on a hill.
Switzerland tunnels over the Alps from Milan.

Below the castle on the mountain in Dornach is a group of caves

The Rhine River flows lazily through Basel, dividing the city in two.
Lucerne in Switzerland, a city of lakes, and the Kapell Bridge,
and the bounty of water flowing into the caves of Dornach.

Steiner's sculpture "Typical of Mankind" looks like a fire

(Wind was originally Raphael, but I forgot to take a picture of him.)
The sculptures of angels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel…) in the Goetheanum were like a surreal wind with some virtual feeling.

The Void is the sky,space,air. There is space, so movement and change can happen.
It was a magical experience to fly above the earth, passing the dawn to the west.
5 elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and sky)
The journey itself is the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and sky),
I grew aware that I myself was a manifestation of the five elements.
I am here on earth, and I am living my life on earth.
And now
When I stand in Japan again, I realize that the West (part of the West) is a place that has been developed by man,
I feel that Japan is a place that is young, intense, and has lived with nature (especially fire: volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.).
(3) Carried along by the karma of people and the karma of heaven and earth

This trip was made possible by my partner's suggestion, "Why don't you go and pick her up? I was so happy to be able to go to Stuttgart.
And it turned out to be a wonderful trip with Akio & Kaori Kochi and Nagomi in Stuttgart, Masato Yamamoto in Lucerne, Mariko Kaufmann and Massa ru Ando in Basel, and others.
Stuttgart, Germany

Germany: The first Steiner School in Stuttgart (DIE FREIE WOLDORFSCHULE STUTTGART UHLANDSHOHE) and the Free University of Stuttgart (top right) with the garden and Akio Kochi

Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne Stroll

Basel, Switzerland

Further on in the trip,
Drive My Car" movie, "An Introduction to Steiner's Thought" by Etsuaki Teraishi, "Les Miserables" movie, "Faust" Goethe, "How to Acquire Supersensory Awareness of the World" Steiner
Furthermore, transportation, roads, cities, payment systems, logistics, …
and other human activities.
And the clear skies, beautiful dawns and moons, nature, rain, snow and wind before and after the trip…,
All of these things supported my trip.
Thank you very much.
Human Life in the Future
As I wrote (1), (2), and (3), I was thinking about the "life of travel" = "life of mobility" = "human life in the future, when humans settle down, draw borders, and look at the earth from the moon.
(After returning to Japan, I was also influenced by Frankl's "Night and Fog," Kento Kajitani, Rorty's "The Ethics of Leisure and Boredom," Takumiichiro Kokubun, "The World is Made of Management," Shunpei Iwao, and Toshiro Inaba's "Inochi wa later no inochi e" etc.)
The human race was a Neolithic (Jomon in Japan) identity where mobile life was the norm, where people had less, shared more, were not stratified, and co-created, loved each other, and helped each other rather than competed and deprived each other. As Graeber states in his book "The Dawn of Everything: A Fundamental Subversion of Human History," humankind has avoided stratification, knowing the unhealthiness of a hierarchical society with a structured gap between rich and poor. The current civilization, which has promoted global stratification since the Industrial Revolution, can be considered heretical.

Toward an Old and New Generative Ecosyste
That is why we are now being asked how we, as a global community of the Anthropocene, will live in the future.
As Gaia ecosystems, as creators and manipulators of various renewable energies, evolving generative AI, and social systems, and as those involved in various communication cultures, we are connected to each other as one and the same diverse "life," resonating with each other, and creating each other. We live energetically and abundantly every day, creating each other, resonating with each other, and generating our "life", including the earth.
Inside and outside of our bodies, in our minds, and as part of the global whole, we are already living in a generative mode of mutual influence.
Generative mode:
The world is not fixed and in flux (unstable),
It changes and is generated in response to how I/we move/be/live.
I and we are also changeable.
Modes of being and living that are mutually generated by the interaction (emergence) of both parties. It is open to destiny (attempting to close it would be unnatural and stagnant).
The mode of the world is a gradation of on/off, but it is a clear aspect of consciousness.
Originally, I and the world are nested and emergent, not separated (unitary).
During the trip, many things were new to me, and I was more actively "ON" in the mobile mode and the generative mode.
(Around June 2011, the migration nomadic days from Tokyo to the west after March 11, 2011, was similar, a mode that could only be opened to fate.)
In fact, it also made me aware that my days were also in a generative mode, although less active.

Trip to Switzerland
I traveled to Switzerland
From 4/8 to 4/16 with destination Dornach, Switzerland
Hokkaido - Haneda - Beijing (Transfer) - Milan - Stuttgart (Germany) - Switzerland (Lucerne - Basel - Dornach)
(Traveling to save money when the yen was weak)

to Goetheanum in Dornach, the world center of anthroposophy, including the Steiner School.
The idea was to pick up my daughter from a school trip,
We enjoyed our first trip to Europe in about 8 years on the occasion of the trip.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here are some of the things that left an impression on me
1) Missing a connecting flight in Beijing
(2) Earth, water, fire, wind, and air.
(3) Carried along by the blessings of people and the blessings of heaven and earth
=I am now in the middle of the world.
1) Missing a connecting flight in Beijing

Missed connecting flight in Beijing
4/8 I left Japan safely, transferred at Beijing, and waited at the gate for Milan.
I was waiting at the gate for the flight to Milan.
To Frankfurt?
I missed it! I missed my connecting flight (I inadvertently missed the gate change).
Furthermore, the internet is almost impossible in Beijing (Chinese internet restrictions).
OUT of the world…feeling of being alone in the world.

In the meantime, I discovered that SMS was available,
After some effort, I was able to rebook my flight, and successfully made my connection, albeit with a 24-hour delay (^ ^).
I feel like
Miura Baien, "Be more surprised at the blooming of fresh trees than at the blooming of dead trees."
I am thankful for the world that is moving and turning safely day by day.
On the other hand, this level of stress is not dangerous to my life, and the Center is safe and sound.
The center is safe and sound.
After doing all we can do, we go to bed, and when we wake up, another wind is blowing.
It was a case of "sleep on it and wait for good news."
Earth, water, fire, wind, and sky.
2)Gaia life was a journey of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void.

Goetheanum. A huge stone
The Goetheanum in Dornach is a huge stone-like building, about 30 meters in diameter, on a hill.
Switzerland tunnels over the Alps from Milan.

Proserpina Grotte, Dornach
Below the castle on the mountain in Dornach is a group of caves

Rhine River at Dawn at Basel
The Rhine River flows lazily through Basel, dividing the city in two.
Lucerne in Switzerland, a city of lakes, and the Kapell Bridge,
and the bounty of water flowing into the caves of Dornach.

Click here for a video of the small waterfall at Proserpina Grotte, Dornach.

Representative of Mankind (typical) by Rudolf Steiner at Goetheanum
Steiner's sculpture "Typical of Mankind" looks like a fire

Archangel Michael.
(Wind was originally Raphael, but I forgot to take a picture of him.)
The sculptures of angels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel…) in the Goetheanum were like a surreal wind with some virtual feeling.

Sky between Beijing and Milan
The Void is the sky,space,air. There is space, so movement and change can happen.
It was a magical experience to fly above the earth, passing the dawn to the west.
5 elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and sky)
The journey itself is the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and sky),
I grew aware that I myself was a manifestation of the five elements.
I am here on earth, and I am living my life on earth.
And now
When I stand in Japan again, I realize that the West (part of the West) is a place that has been developed by man,
I feel that Japan is a place that is young, intense, and has lived with nature (especially fire: volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.).
(3) Carried along by the karma of people and the karma of heaven and earth

This trip was made possible by my partner's suggestion, "Why don't you go and pick her up? I was so happy to be able to go to Stuttgart.
And it turned out to be a wonderful trip with Akio & Kaori Kochi and Nagomi in Stuttgart, Masato Yamamoto in Lucerne, Mariko Kaufmann and Massa ru Ando in Basel, and others.
Stuttgart, Germany

Stuttgart, Germany
Germany: The first Steiner School in Stuttgart (DIE FREIE WOLDORFSCHULE STUTTGART UHLANDSHOHE) and the Free University of Stuttgart (top right) with the garden and Akio Kochi
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Germany: Stuttgart: Steiner Kindergarten* Nature Kindergarten Wurzelkinder eV Kaori Kochi

Stolperstein (stumbling stone): A common sight when walking around Germany and other parts of Europe, the "stumbling stone" is a 10-cm square brass plaque inscribed with a name, place of birth, year and place of death, and other information. The project was conceived and realized in 1993 by Gunter Demnig, a German artist from Berlin, and now numbering 70,000 (as of October 2018), it is one of the Holocaust remembrance efforts. The number of the pieces now stands at 70,000 (as of October 2018). Source: Holocaust Education Resource Center, a non-profit organization. Reference: Wikipedia (It is actually the largest sculpture in the world, depending on your perspective, and can be found in Switzerland and most European countries. by masato)

On the other hand, there was also a message and performance in the square in Stuttgart that we are all one humanity, even if we have different words, leaves skin color and religion. What Israel is now doing to the Palestinian people can only be described as genocide. They are either driving them out or killing them with violence against the backdrop of overwhelming differences in military power. Reference: What is happening now in Gaza is "genocide," more than 30,000 people have died, and what is expected of Japan, which holds the presidency of the Security Council, March 2, 2024.
Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne Stroll

Switzerland: Lucerne: Pilatus Mountain, Squirrel, Kapell Bridge, Lake Lucerne, Masato Yamamoto, Musek Wall
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Basel, Switzerland

Switzerland: Dornach, near Basel: Ms. Mariko Kaufmann, Schartenhof (like an integral retreat)

Switzerland: Basel: Rhine River, Basel Cathedral, Basel City Hall

Switzerland: Dornach near Basel: Ms. Massa Ru Ando, Goetheanum, nearby castle and caves
Further on in the trip,
Drive My Car" movie, "An Introduction to Steiner's Thought" by Etsuaki Teraishi, "Les Miserables" movie, "Faust" Goethe, "How to Acquire Supersensory Awareness of the World" Steiner
Furthermore, transportation, roads, cities, payment systems, logistics, …
and other human activities.
And the clear skies, beautiful dawns and moons, nature, rain, snow and wind before and after the trip…,
All of these things supported my trip.
Thank you very much.
Human Life in the Future
As I wrote (1), (2), and (3), I was thinking about the "life of travel" = "life of mobility" = "human life in the future, when humans settle down, draw borders, and look at the earth from the moon.
(After returning to Japan, I was also influenced by Frankl's "Night and Fog," Kento Kajitani, Rorty's "The Ethics of Leisure and Boredom," Takumiichiro Kokubun, "The World is Made of Management," Shunpei Iwao, and Toshiro Inaba's "Inochi wa later no inochi e" etc.)
The human race was a Neolithic (Jomon in Japan) identity where mobile life was the norm, where people had less, shared more, were not stratified, and co-created, loved each other, and helped each other rather than competed and deprived each other. As Graeber states in his book "The Dawn of Everything: A Fundamental Subversion of Human History," humankind has avoided stratification, knowing the unhealthiness of a hierarchical society with a structured gap between rich and poor. The current civilization, which has promoted global stratification since the Industrial Revolution, can be considered heretical.

by copilot
Toward an Old and New Generative Ecosyste
That is why we are now being asked how we, as a global community of the Anthropocene, will live in the future.
As Gaia ecosystems, as creators and manipulators of various renewable energies, evolving generative AI, and social systems, and as those involved in various communication cultures, we are connected to each other as one and the same diverse "life," resonating with each other, and creating each other. We live energetically and abundantly every day, creating each other, resonating with each other, and generating our "life", including the earth.
Inside and outside of our bodies, in our minds, and as part of the global whole, we are already living in a generative mode of mutual influence.
Generative mode:
The world is not fixed and in flux (unstable),
It changes and is generated in response to how I/we move/be/live.
I and we are also changeable.
Modes of being and living that are mutually generated by the interaction (emergence) of both parties. It is open to destiny (attempting to close it would be unnatural and stagnant).
The mode of the world is a gradation of on/off, but it is a clear aspect of consciousness.
Originally, I and the world are nested and emergent, not separated (unitary).
During the trip, many things were new to me, and I was more actively "ON" in the mobile mode and the generative mode.
(Around June 2011, the migration nomadic days from Tokyo to the west after March 11, 2011, was similar, a mode that could only be opened to fate.)
In fact, it also made me aware that my days were also in a generative mode, although less active.

The future is an era in which the future is uncertain.
The era of rapidly changing environments will resemble the era of migratory peoples.
Even if you are physically settled (in the countryside), you may be a mobile or multiple-living person in the virtual world.
We are not bound by a narrow identity, but enjoy a flexible, graceful, fertile, and supple identity.
This may begin with the awareness that we are always "living and dying while interacting and generating each other.
What kind of us do we want to be? What kind of us are we living?
From our feet, from our heads, from our feelings.
Not only are the questions coming from you, but you yourself are being questioned.

Be aware of "life," "sense," and "sound," which are inside, outside, and in between,
Surf generatively around the tanden and the heart.
We should be aware of the "life," "sense," and "sound" that is "inside," "outside," and "in between,
How about responding to each other in a flexible way?
(Responsibility means to be responsive.)
It's up to us!
Related links:
Hokkaido Steiner School Izumi no Gakko
Steiner wikipedia
Wurzelkinder eV Stuttgart
studio in the air
Monte Azul International e.V.
Children's Resources International, Inc.
Holocaust Education Resource Center, NPO
Stolperstein, Stumbling Stone
What is happening now in Gaza is "genocide", more than 30,000 dead, and what is expected of Japan as the presidency of the Security Council March 2, 2024 Tokyo Shimbun
Translated with (free version)